Tuesday 21 June 2011

Breaking Addiction To Porn - How You Can Do It

Swinging Teen  Local Swingers   A lot of people in today's modern society have an unanswered question on a subject that they are too ashamed to talk about; is breaking addiction to porn possible? Well, if you are asking yourself the same question, you are about to find out. By reading the following, you will uncover the key elements that makes porn become and addiction and by identifying the problem, you will also learn how to cure it and how breaking an addiction to porn is done.
First of all, before you learn in breaking this addiction, you need to understand how it works. Unlike what most people think, pornography addiction is comparable to drug addictions and here's why. When you're exposed to pornography or any form of sexual activities, the brain releases a tidal wave of endorphins and neurochemicals such as dopamine, nor-epinephrine and serotonin. These powerful drugs give a high and a strong desire for sex. Unfortunately, whether it is real or only pictures and videos, it is all the same to the brain.
These strong natural drugs can bring tons of benefits to couples and can strengthen a bond between two individuals. However, they can also create a very strong dependency to porn and that is why breaking addiction to porn is something that isn't easy.
Porn addiction include side-effects such as loss of interests towards your partner, lowering self-esteem, depression, excessive masturbation, use of prostitutes and one night stands, feeling restless after not watching porn over a day and loss of self-control. This can ultimately lead to a world of trouble and mental illnesses which is all avoidable.

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